Depressed man leaning against a window

Mental Health Consequences of Occupational Diseases: Legal Support for Coping

An occupational disease can have a devastating impact on a worker’s physical health. However, the toll that a workplace injury or illness takes on a person’s mental health is often overlooked. As native Staten Islanders, our occupational disease lawyers at Nappa, Monterosso & Poznansky, LLP, are dedicated to providing tenacious, compassionate legal support to injured workers throughout the greater NYC area. We explain how occupational diseases can affect mental health and how an experienced workers’ compensation attorney can help you pursue all the benefits you may be entitled to receive.

Common Mental Health Conditions Related to Occupational Diseases

Anxiety and Stress

Financial concerns, uncertainty about their health, and worries about a pending workers’ compensation claim can often cause chronic stress and anxiety in those suffering from occupational diseases. They may worry about not only their well-being, but the health, happiness, and financial security of their loved ones as well.


Being struck with an occupational disease can trigger or exacerbate depression. Physical pain or sickness and the inability to work or do things they once enjoyed can lead to feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and despair.

Workers grappling with occupational diseases often experience social isolation as well. Fear of judgment from others and physical limitations caused by an occupational disease can cause someone to withdraw from social interactions and activities and cause depression to worsen.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Traumatic events in the workplace, such as serious accidents or exposure to a toxic substance that results in an occupational disease, can leave an injured worker feeling scared and alone. Undergoing invasive or taxing medical treatment such as surgery or chemotherapy can affect mental health as well. Flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, and emotional distress from PTSD can seriously hinder a person’s ability to function and perform daily tasks.

Loss of identity

For many people, their job is a major part of their identity. When a work-related disease robs someone of their occupation, they may lose a sense of purpose and self-worth. Feeling unfulfilled and losing part of their identity can be devastating and cause them to struggle with maintaining a positive self-image.

Occupational Diseases and Mental Health Conditions Impact the Whole Family

An occupational disease can also have a significant impact on family dynamics and social interactions. The challenges of caring for a loved one, financial concerns, changing relationship dynamics, and being overwhelmed with responsibilities can lead to a spouse or other family members developing mental health conditions as well.

How an Occupational Disease Lawyer Can Help

Dealing with mental health problems on top of a physical illness is emotionally taxing for workers and their families. A compassionate occupational disease lawyer can listen to their concerns, offer reassurance and advice, and handle all aspects of workers’ compensation or Social Security Disability claims, which helps ease some of their burdens during a challenging time.

If you’re pursuing workers’ compensation or SSDI benefits for an occupational disease and you’re suffering from a related mental health issue, your attorney may gather and present evidence of your situation. This can include medical records for mental health treatment, witness statements, expert testimony, and any other relevant evidence.

Your occupational disease lawyer can handle negotiations with your employer and their insurer and fight to protect your rights and interests. Having an experienced occupational disease attorney in your corner can increase your chances of obtaining the full amount of compensation and benefits you deserve.

Navigating the legal system can be complex and stressful, especially when you’re dealing with physical and mental health conditions. An occupational disease lawyer can guide you through the process and ensure all legal requirements and deadlines are met, allowing you to focus on taking care of yourself and spending time with your loved ones.

In addition, workers’ compensation lawyers and SSDI attorneys can refer you to resources that can help you and your family, such as mental health professionals, support groups, and advocacy organizations.

Trust Our Qualified, Compassionate Team

The occupational disease attorneys at Nappa, Monterosso & Poznansky, LLP, care about your physical and emotional well-being. We have a track record of success in helping injured workers in the greater New York City area get the benefits they need. Whether you need assistance with a work injury claim, occupational disease claim, or work-related mental health issue, we’re here for you. We can evaluate your case, advise you of your options, and offer the compassionate legal support you need to cope with your condition. Attorney and partner Rolando Cubela proudly serves our Spanish-speaking clients.

Contact Our Occupational Disease Lawyers in the Greater NYC Area

Our workers’ compensation and Social Security disability attorneys at Nappa, Monterosso & Poznansky, LLP, have decades of experience helping injured workers throughout the greater New York City area. Call us at 718-273-9000 or contact us to schedule a free case evaluation with an occupational disease lawyer.

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