Workers running toward an injured warehouse worker

Warehouse Injuries Increased Dramatically in New York in 2021

Warehouse accidents are nothing new, but as more consumers order products from Amazon and other companies as a result of the pandemic, workplace injuries are on the rise. Our workers’ compensation lawyers at Nappa, Monterosso & Poznansky, LLP, have represented injured workers throughout the greater NYC area for more than 30 years. As the largest workplace injury law firm in Staten Island, we stay on top of the latest developments in occupational safety.

Amazon Has the Highest Rate of Warehouse Accidents in the U.S.

According to a report released by the Strategic Organizing Center (SOC), nearly 50% of all warehouse injuries recorded in 2021 occurred at Amazon sites. Amazon employs about one-third of all warehouse workers in the U.S. Amazon workers sustained more than 34,000 serious injuries on the job in 2021 – almost twice as many as any other warehouse company.

In New York State alone, OSHA reported a 64% increase in warehouse accidents in Amazon facilities, compared to a 20% increase nationally. According to a report from the New Yorkers for a Fair Economy coalition, 89% of reported warehouse injuries at Amazon facilities in New York were serious enough that workers could not continue performing their normal job duties and had to switch to new job duties or take time off to recover from their injuries.

Common Types of Warehouse Accidents and Injuries

Nearly 40% of all warehouse injuries involve back pain, hernias, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other types of musculoskeletal disorders and repetitive strain injury. Falling objects, slip-and-fall incidents, forklift accidents, and lifting injuries also are common in warehouses.

Workers’ Compensation for Warehouse Injuries in New York

If you’re a warehouse worker who’s been hurt on the job, you have the right to file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits in New York, regardless of how an accident or injury happened. Workers’ compensation covers the cost of your medical bills, lost wages, and other work injury-related expenses.

It’s always a good idea to seek the counsel of a workers’ compensation lawyer to protect your rights. Proving that certain conditions such as repetitive stress injury are work-related can be challenging, so having an experienced attorney by your side is a must.

Even if employer negligence played a part in your injury, in New York workers are prohibited from suing their employers. However, if another party caused your injury or your employer deliberately caused you harm, you may be able to file a claim for other damages, such as pain and suffering. A workers’ compensation attorney in New York can assess your case and advise you of your options for recovering compensation.

Contact a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in the Greater NYC Area

At Nappa, Monterosso & Poznansky, LLP, we’re dedicated to helping injured workers in the greater New York City area get the benefits and compensation they need to heal and move on with their lives. Attorney and partner Rolando Cubela is proud to assist Spanish-speaking clients at our workplace injury law firm. If you’ve been hurt at work due to a warehouse accident, we can help you understand and protect your rights. Call us at 718-273-9000 or contact us online to schedule a consultation today.

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